Médica que ajuda a polícia no caso Michael Jackson envia carta a Obama
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Médica que ajuda a polícia no caso Michael Jackson envia carta a Obama

Dra Susan Essien Etok, uma das médicas responsáveis em ajudar a polícia na investigação no caso Michael Jackson enviou uma carta ao presidente Barack Obama pedindo que dificulte e aumente a punição contra médicos que fornecem sem autorização medicamentos controlados

Na carta, diz ser amiga de Michael Jackson há 11 anos, mas que só nos ultimos meses soube da gravidade de sua dependência, e que em conjunto com a família tentou conseguir um tratamento de reabilitação para Michal, mas não foi uma terefa fácil, pois havia uma lista de médicos nos Estados unidos e estrangeiros que estavam dispostos a fornecer medicamentos em troca de dinheiro.

Etok também afirma que Michael Jackson lhe ofereceu 500,000 libras para que ela fornecesse medicamentos e insiste para que o presidente aplique medidas punitivas mais duras para médicos anti-éticos que estão dispostos a fornecer medicamentos controlados a qualquer pessoa que tenha disponível determinada quantia de dinheiro

A médica também diz que o médico não é individualmente responsável pela morte de Michael Jackson e compara o caso a morte de notáveis figuras tais como Envis Presley, Heath Ledger e Anna Nicole Smith, todos encontrados com substancias controladas em seu corpo.

No penultimo paragrafo de sua carta, Etok diz que espera ter apoio de Obama e espera poder trabalharem juntos em uma reforma da regulamentação e adminsitração de medicamentos controlados no país daqui em diante

Transcrição da carta na íntegra

Dear Barack,

Re: A call for a reform on the regulation and administration of ‘controlled’ medication.

I am sure you are aware of the media coverage relating to the death of Musician and Performer, Michael Joseph Jackson on 25th June 2009. I have recently spoken in the UK media of when Michael Jackson offered me £500,000 to provide him with ‘controlled’ medication to feed his dependency for the ill-fated London concerts. I categorically declined his offer. See attached newspaper excerpt.

I have been a friend of Michael Jackson for the past 11 years, but have only in recent months come to know of the severity of his dependency. I tried very hard, as did his family, to get rehabilitative treatment for Michael. This was no mean feat as there were a catalogue of Medical Practitioners in the USA and abroad who were prepared to provide him with the‘controlled’ medication he requested, for financial gain.

My attempts to intervene and expose Michael’s dependency (while he was alive) were blocked by ‘forces’ that are more powerful than I am. Bullying tactics and ridicule were used against me to discourage me from going to the authorities and getting Michael the help that he needed.

Due to his vast wealth and celebrity status, Michael was a victim of manipulation by means of his addiction. It is my belief that no individual Doctor is responsible for Michael’s death, rather, a catalogue of Doctors who were enlisted/ aided by a collection of organizations that had an interest in Michael’s finances.

It is clear in my mind that the untimely deaths of other notable figures such as Anna-Nicole Smith, Heath Ledger and Elvis Presley, to name a few, could have been prevented if tighter measures regarding access to ‘controlled ‘drugs had been in place.

It would be naive of me to think that a single policy change would irradiate the current problem with regards to over-prescription of ‘controlled’ medication. However, I feel that if harsher punitive measures were in place against unethical Doctors, this would make inroads into dissuading individuals from taking this course of action.

I am coming to you with the support of the Jackson family and Michael’s friend; I was forced into a situation where I had to sit back and watch Michael die, powerless to help. I cannot remain silent any longer and watch this happen to another individual; my conscience would not allow it.

I do hope that I have your backing on this and I hope that we can work close together in bringing about a reform in the regulation and administration of ‘controlled’ medication from here on in.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments through your Office on this matter. I shall be in USA in the latter part of this month and would be grateful if we could find the time to discuss this further.

Yours Faithfully,
Dr Susan Essien Etok


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